











So, recently I was asked to come up with a punchline to a cartoon that I posted in a forum a while back about life in the gaming industry. Which I did... in fact I came up with 6 and probably could have gone on.

I was banned from the forum shortly after posting my response... not really sure why. So, without further ado here is the cartoon that required a response and here are the punchlines that received a ban, from the #6 place up.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you...

Most people couldn't see without some heavy prescription glasses.

Not very funny on its own, right? Here are my responses... don't forget to like this page.

#6 - [08/13/2011] - One of them lost his lunch under his desk...

#5 - [08/15/2011] - But it didn't matter because you wouldn't be able to tell a male nerd from a female nerd there anyway.

#4 - [08/16/2011] - I watched one of them unknowingly sucking up his shoelace from his spaghetti & meatballs (*avec loads of parmesan cheese*) plate.

#3 - [08/30/2011]

This next bit is titled, . Thanks to a unanimous response of love from gamer forums worldwide I came up with the idea for these cartoons.

Enjoy... and don't forget to give the next nerd you see a big hug.

[8/21/2011] - In a perfect world... just because it had to be done.

[8/21/2011] - Beware the Warepire...

[8/20/2011] - Someone told me to draw him an angel...

... he did not specify.

[8/18/2011] - This one is in response to a well known website where a user will post a link and other users will 'up vote' or 'down vote' their posted links... On which site a picture of a bowl of chili posted to the 'funny' page with the heading; '2AM CHILI', gets 'up voted' 1500 times in under an hour and my post gets boo'd to the bottom of the very last page within minutes of posting. With the comment; "Please don't post links here ever again... better yet, delete your profile altogether."

[8/17/2011] - COMEDIAN TROLL! - Today someone commented in a forum that his 2 favourite comedians *names withheld* would, and I quote. "have an aneurism if presented with what you're trying to pass off as comedy." Here's how I think that scenario would really go down...

I think that's pretty funny, don't you?

[8/17/2011] - In response to those taking these images as a personal attack. Hey, guy... relax. These are fictional characters, not you or your guild buddies. Why are you so angry?

[8/16/2011] - Someone tried to use sarcasm to troll me... that's a hater foul.

[8/15/2011] - Response to a forum post that I should, "stick to painting cause my cartoons suck"...

... they DO suck :S...

[8/14/2011] - I posted on a gamer forum today and received no written response, just a single picture. To which I responded back with a picture of my own. Here they are.


[8/14/2011] - Today some scrubby ass troll edited all my forum posts and then posted a self portrait as a response... here's his drawing, redone of course but keeping the spirit of the original image.

He then proceeded to deface artwork from my website which I could only assume he thought were drawings of my mother with me as a child...

So I responded with a little redo portrait of my own... I hope he liked it.

... more trolls.

[8/4/2011] - Saw this guy waddling out of the theatre during the credits for Captain America... His stair clambering was uncanny troll, hunched over rolling his shoulders like he was rowing a boat... funny sheet. I was going to draw him anyway when I heard him jubbing on throughout the movie from behind me. But when I saw him I nearly tipped out of my seat.

[8/4/2011] - Pretty self explanatory, I think...

[8/3/2011] - They usually throw negative replies as a defense mechanism to forum posts that closely resemble
themselves. Be it by their physical attributes, behaviors or preferences.

[8/3/2011] - Take care, they are sensitive.

[8/2/2011] - This is what I get for my forum posts today... who's the real troll here?.. moving on.

A day in the life of a Games Tester at  . Don't forget to like this page... ok?

... where do I begin.

This is me... I am... was a games tester for  and a pretty stressed out guy.

Breakfast at   was usually the only thing to look forward to when I didn't get yelled at for ordering
a bacon and egg sandwich...

Oh yeah... the stir fry guy was pretty kick ass. The noodles were the shit... bitch.

The management team spoke with one seamless voice which usually amounted to rehashed gibberish with some
fancy 'big boy' words and acronyms so they'd sound (or just feel) more important and educated.

... they would always take credit for my work and no one would care.

People who didn't deserve promotions always excelled and shit on everyone else in their wake.

There was always some retard sitting beside me who wouldn't shut up about their seriously bizarre hobbies or preferences.

Someone on my team always got really mad at the game... and exploded with rage.

Most people couldn't see without some heavy prescription glasses.

The web tester wasn't aware that there were more internet browsers than just ie.

People always said stuff to fit in when it really didn't fit their image, whatsoever.

There were a lot of extremely greasy over eaters...

... this one claimed she was; "so hungry she could eat someone"... and got PISSED when we had to work into our
lunch break even for just 5 minutes.

... this one ate and drank too much to feel better about going nowhere in life at 36.

Others were extremely picky with everything down to the most insignificant little detail...

Some people thought they were Japanese.

Many of them looked and smelled as though they had never washed... ever.

No one seemed to be able to communicate with the opposite sex... unless it was about comic books.

Those who did kept it in-house which made for some really awkward inter-office dating situations.

... this guy just LOVED the greasy cafeteria deep fried breaded shrimp.

... this guy just stunk real bad.

... Check out this nerd.

...people had some nasty, MMO/RPG/Larping/Cosplay/Hentai fetish fantasies and thought that was cool.

We'd come up with funny scenarios in group chat involving the dolts we worked with.

Sometimes people's spelling in group chat was atrocious and that made for some laughs to pass the day.

We'd doodle most of the time... but then   removed the function to draw in their group chat program... and that sucked.

Sometimes we'd change people's desktop image and they'd get very mad.

... this one called HR.

All told I had gathered the accumulated experience of an Associate Development Manager and an Assistant Producer
and never topped the salary of a Sandwich Artist...

....oh, one more thing. I QUIT!


Wow... you made it this far, eh? I guess you must have thought it was pretty funny, huh? What did I tell you earlier about liking this page? You forgot?... Well here's your chance again so do it...

What do you mean you don't want to?... Look how many people have already liked it... 5 people is a lot, ok?... Oh, your 12 y/o nephew can draw better, hey?... Don't hate, I did these in MS Paint in like 5 minutes... get a grip on yourself. If you wanted to see some more serious shit then go to this website. The Artwork of Morgan Ralston. I paint stuff for real, ok?

When you're there don't forget to like that page... or don't... whatever, I don't give a crap. © Morgan Ralston

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